Beautyworld Middle East 2025
Beautyworld Middle East | 27 - 29 October 2025 | The largest international trade fair for beauty products, hair, fragrances and wellbeing in the Middle East
Beautyworld Middle East 2025: A Gateway to Opportunities.
Beautyworld Middle East 2024: What an Incredible Journey—See You in 2025! After an incredible edition this year, Beautyworld Middle East will return from 27 - 29 October 2025. Why The Middle East Matters Now. Breaking the mold: Unconventional networking. Beautyworld Middle East Awards. Nail It! by Nazih Group. Next in Beauty Conference. Dedicated showcases for companies to flaunt their unique and standout products.
For visitors seeking to capitalize on the thriving beauty industry, attending Beautyworld Middle East offers valuable insights and opportunities. This international trade fair provides a unique platform for networking and exploring the latest innovations in beauty products, fragrances, and wellbeing tailored to the Middle East market.
The event, set to return from October 27-29, 2025, showcases an unparalleled diversity of global brands, covering the entire supply chain. Attendees can expect to engage with groundbreaking product demonstrations, innovative activations, and popular highlights such as the beautylive stage. This event is an essential visit for anyone looking to understand market dynamics, forge industry connections, and drive business growth within this rapidly expanding sector.
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Mappa della sede e hotel intorno
Dubai - Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, Emirati Arabi Uniti Dubai - Dubai World Trade Centre, Dubai, Emirati Arabi Uniti
يرجى الابلاغ عن مواعيد مواعيد المعارض الدولية في الامارات مختصره الخاصة في مجال المنظفات , علي الرقم 00966552760464 XNUMXا خوكم خليل عمران مدير تصد ير ,Beauty
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