Mondo automobilistico di Nagoya

Mondo automobilistico di Nagoya

From October 23, 2024 until October 25, 2024

A Nagoya - Port Messe Nagoya, Prefettura di Aichi, Giappone

Inserito da Canton Fair Net

[email protected]

名古屋 オートモーティブ ワールド|クルマの先端技術展

Nagoya Automotive World is a showcase of advanced automotive technology. What is [Nagoya] Automotive World?We will have the latest technology on display. The following 12 individuals are at the forefront of their field and we are grateful for their cooperation. This is a must-see event for anyone who wants to learn more about SDV or deepen their understanding! Automotive World takes place three times per year.

In mostra saranno esposte le tecnologie più recenti su temi automobilistici all'avanguardia, tra cui la guida autonoma, l'elettronica e l'elettrificazione (comprese le auto connesse) e la riduzione del peso. Questo sarà un luogo eccellente per condurre affari e avere consulenze tecniche con produttori di automobili e fornitori. e produttori di componenti per automobili nella regione di Chubu e Kinki.

I nostri articoli spaziano dalle nozioni di base alle informazioni più recenti sugli SDV (Software Defined Vehicles).

2024/03/06 Introduction of comments from visitors and exhibitors.2024/02/15 [Introducing the industries and occupations of visitors/achievements of exhibitors] Reporting session for the Tokyo exhibition held in January this year will be held!The 2024/01/15 [Introduction of results for exhibitors] A report session will be held on the exhibition site.2023/12/20 [1/12 presentation! ] The first Automotive Sustainable Technology Exhibition will be held at Tokyo Exhibition, in January 2025Free Web seminar: 2023/11/21 - 12/6 Free Web seminar: The true meaning of model-based Development and the value of connecting with suppliers.