Pri-Med Ovest

Pri-Med Ovest

From July 18, 2024 until July 20, 2024

Ad Anaheim - Anaheim Convention Center, California, USA

Inserito da Canton Fair Net

Categorie: Sanità e prodotti farmaceutici

Hits: 4501

Conferenze ECM/CE | Pri Med | Pri Med

In-Person CME/CE Conferences. Primary Care CME/CE Conference & Expo. Conference on Regional CME/CE. Friendly Faculty and Practical Takeaways You can have a high-quality medical education. Connect with expert faculty and practicing clinicians. Improve your practice. Keep up with the latest medical developments. CME/CE Conferences in Person. Scholarships for In-Person Conferences. Thank you for submitting your application.

Partecipa di persona alle conferenze CME/CE Pri-Med per apprendere le ultime conoscenze cliniche e entrare in contatto con altri fornitori di cure primarie.

Puoi tenere il passo con la tua formazione e concentrarti sui tuoi pazienti utilizzando Pri-Med. Unisciti ora a oltre 160,000 medici attivi.

Costruisci relazioni preziose scambiando idee e imparando dagli altri.

Condividi le tue conoscenze con colleghi e rappresentanti del settore.

Lasciati ispirare dalle ultime idee, guadagna crediti e guarda la più recente tecnologia medica.

Scholarship InformationPri-Med offers scholarships to clinicians that meet the following criteria. This is to help you connect with other primary care colleagues and faculty from around the world, and to learn the latest clinical insights. Scholarship recipients will receive a discounted rate on the conference they indicate on their application form.

Selection Criteria and ProcessPri-Med members review applications and make selections based on criteria below:.

You have received your application for the scholarship. Please allow up to five working days for the review of your application. Keep an eye on the information you receive in your email to find out how your application is progressing.