Mondo del calcestruzzo 2026

Mondo del cemento Las Vegas 2026
From January 20, 2026 until January 22, 2026
Las Vegas - Centro congressi di Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
(Si prega di ricontrollare le date e il luogo sul sito ufficiale di seguito prima di partecipare.)

Benvenuti nel mondo del cemento

Welcome to World of Concrete.

Indoor & Outdoor Exhibits. WOC Official Cosponsors. Supporting Organizations. International Affiliates. ABOUT WORLD OF CONCRETE. Learn more about additional Informa Markets Infrastructure & Construction brands and our year-round marketing services.

Visitor advice: If you're involved in the concrete or masonry industries, attending the World of Concrete (WOC) event could be a pivotal move for your business. As the industry's only annual international tradeshow dedicated to commercial concrete and masonry construction, this event held at the Las Vegas Convention Center brings together professionals from around the globe. Here, you'll have the opportunity to connect with leading manufacturers and suppliers, explore the latest in concrete technology, and discover innovative solutions that can help your operations adapt to changes and challenges in the industry.

The World of Concrete serves as a vital hub of information and networking. With over 50 years of experience, WOC provides educational sessions on new technologies, applications, and business strategies, enabling attendees to gain insights into the best practices and trends in the concrete and masonry fields. The event also features competitions where industry experts demonstrate their skills, creating an engaging and informative experience. Beyond the main exhibits, the New Product Zone offers a glimpse into emerging products and technologies expected to shape the future of concrete and masonry work. Keep abreast of these developments by subscribing to the Concrete & Masonry newsletter from WOC360, ensuring you stay informed on how to conduct a successful business.

Registrati per i biglietti o gli stand

Si prega di registrarsi sul sito ufficiale di World of Concrete

Mappa della sede e hotel intorno

Las Vegas - Centro congressi di Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Las Vegas - Centro congressi di Las Vegas, Nevada, USA


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